Friday 18 April 2008

Peter Doherty, Killamangiro + Beg Steal Or Borrow, Rhythm Factory, 26.02.08

At the point during Killamangiro where Peter starts chatting, my arm looks as though it's got the DT's. It hadn't, but I think it was finding this standing like the Statue Of Liberty business a slightly unwelcome novelty. My friends have come up with some interesting solutions ("just buy a monopod - they're only £100-ish..."(advice from a proper cameraman, who apparently has one of those disposable income-type things, and also presumably has never filmed from the middle of a bouncy crowd)), and an exciting contraption involving a sling and a neckbrace - that could be good for the sympathy vote, actually, and might possibly stop people banging into the camera, although I doubt it. I thought I might just try a bit of weight training, although I guess I'd have to do both arms, or I'll look like Popeye...

Back to the music, and "in the eyes of the cruel and unwise" has a lot of resonance at the moment. Everyone has an opinion, very few have a clue.

Beg Steal Or Borrow will always remind me of the summer of 06 - well, from the Paradiso recording onwards - and Get Loaded and running around after Big Issue sellers. Oh, and Jonathan Ross and Harry Potter. Oh, and you know what I said about staying mute during filming? It is really, really hard during the "get youuuu in the caaaarrrr" bit.

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