Friday 18 April 2008

Peter Doherty, Last Post On The Bugle, Rhythm Factory 28.02.08

Peter Doherty Last Post On The Bugle, Rhythm Factory 28.02.08 from nearer dark on Vimeo.

I went out with my camera again two nights later - I'd been kicking myself for not going on the Wednesday as well, as by all reports it was even better than the Tuesday show, but I'd attempted to be sensible and had stayed in. Which was fairly unproductive, as I mainly spent the time sulking. It's possibly slightly undignified when adults get into the mindset that goes "but all my friends are going and I'm not and it's not fair!", particularly when it's a blatant fib. But heck, adults can still sulk.

I had also kicked myself for missing songs and bits of songs on the Tuesday, so this time I pretty much kept the camera running, apart from cutting it briefly between songs sometimes to save the battery. I was still very much learning how to do this, and there will be hands, heads and hats between the lens and the stage, because - heck, there were other people there, innit?

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